Monday, July 25, 2011

An Interview with a Pilgrim of @Madrid11_en #WYD from Malaysia - Heather

1. Why are you going to Madrid World Youth Day 2011?
I’ve heard so much about it so wanted to experience it.

2.Will you be going with a contingent or on your own ? How many are you travelling with ?
I will be going with the group from the Parish of the Assumption Church, Petaling Jaya.

3. When will you be departing for Madrid World Youth Day ?
11th August 2011

4.What do you hope to achieve at Madrid World Youth Day ?
I don’t know.

5. What spiritual preparations are you doing , to prepare yourself for the largest Catholic event?
I've been attending the monthly gatherings organized by the Assumption Church

6. Will you be travelling anywhere else aside from Madrid ? Do share some of your plans.
Yes I will be going to Portugal before the World Youth Day. After the World Youth Day, I will be going to Barcelona, Venice and Rome with a group of friends

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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