Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Ministry of St Peter and St Paul #wyd @madrid11_en

Today we celebrate the feast of St Peter and St Paul, the 2 great founding leaders of our Catholic church. The readings from today was somewhat interesting to note the differences of Gospel used , one on telling peter to feed and tend to His's sheep and the other giving the keys of heaven to Peter. Then we also have of Paul telling us how bad he was before his eyes was opened by God.

Together with the fact that we are all part of the Royal Priesthood, tells me the calling of our ministry in our lives today. Like Peter , we are called to pastoral care, one of caring, tending and feeding the sheep, spiritually as well as physically. Little do we know , we too like Peter are given the keys to heaven as well. Not in the form of the Office of the keys (commonly known as the Sacrament of confession - which is passed on from pope to pope, and from pope to bishop to priest) but by the virtue of being God's chosen people and as His temple of the holy spirit.

This further leads to St Paul, who was a great prosecuter of the church and hunted down christians in his time , only to become one of the greatest evangelizers of the Church, despite his past.

Put this together, and we have our simple mission, to bring the message of Jesus through our actions, thoughts and deeds. Little do we know, but we actually have a major impact on the various lives that crosses our own life. This is human nature, we live in a society and what we do have a ripple effect into society, through the people that we meet.

Hence we have a choice, do we bring the light of Christ into people's lives or do we choose to propogate our own personal agenda in society. As His royal priesthood, we have that calling in our daily lives to reach out to all (for every one faces some form of oppresion and desolation) , and hence through our actions, we bring the message of Christ to the world, like Paul. When we have successfully conveyed Jesus's message through our compassion, wisdom and love, and people know this because you are a Christian, then we too hold the keys to heaven. For through these actions and examples that we set as christians in our daily lives, it may bring someone back to seek the mercy of our Lord Jesus.

Furthermore, Peter and Paul shows us that we do not have to be high achievers or literally saints to achieve this. Remember , Peter was only a simple fisherman, and Paul, was this sinner who did not believe in Jesus. All we need is to have faith in Him, and He will do the rest through us. If we think deeper of Peter and Paul's life, it also tells us that we need not be perfect gentle people to bring the light of Christ to the world. How many times did Peter doubt and betrayed Jesus. In Pauls letters, he is often strong and chastising in his words.

Essentially , we do not need to be perfect , to be God's instruments on this earth, for He uses our imperfection and will make it perfect. Only thing is , we must allow Him to use us.

Dear Merciful God,

Like St Peter and St Paul, use me as your instrument messenger in this world. My own failings, doubts and sins makes me an imperfect instrument, unworthy of your great glory, yet i feel called to be your servant and only through you, can I be made perfect for your glory. Teach us go tend to your sheep, to spread your word, and to open the doors of heaven to all those we meet

Lord I pray for us your chosen people, your Royal Priesthood, especially those you have called to be your Priest and Religious, that we may be guided and used for your greater glory. Fill our imperfection, strengthen our resolve and fill us with your fire, so that we may bring your bburning light into this world

May the World Youth Day , bring your loving and merciful message far and wide across this world. May you use all of us at Madrid, as an example of your love for the world to experience.

Blessed Mother, as Jesus placed his disciples in your care at his crucifixion, watch over us, guide us and teach us the loving ways of your beloved Son.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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