I am the Lord that Healeth thee.
That is the promise given to us by Jesus , and it is widely affirmed in the Gospel that Jesus heals us. Todays reading tells us that as we call upon God's healing power, we need to have faith. It also shows that no matter how impossible the circumstances maybe, like Sarah being unable to conceive, anything is possible through the will of God, amd with a little faith.
It is impotant to remember that the healing of Jesus is not only of the physical nature from diseases but His mission on earth was to heal us from our sins.He came to die for us on the cross, and through his painful death, He bought for us the key to salvation from our sins.
Many of us are healthy physically free from diseases, but i believe that all of us will still need the healing power of Jesus. All of us suffer from emotional and spiritual diseases, brought about by painful experiences in our lives and by the sins we commit. It is these diseases that only the divine mercy of Jesus can bring about through healing
However when we are in these level of distress , despite asking for healing, how many of us truly open our hearts for Jesus to do his work. Do we actually have the faith that God's healing power will work through us? Do we actually allow Jesus to move within us? And how many of , when asking for healing, actually want to take our own steps to change
It is like when you have been diagnose with cancer and the doctor tells us to stop smoking, avoid stress, and live a healthier lifestyle, we readily accept the advice and change our lifestyle. But in the case of emotional and spiritual Jesus, do we actually change our lifestyle so that healing can take place in our hearts. Do we open our spiritual ears to hear His advice?
Anything is possible through Jesus, and His mercy is abundantly overflowing. All he ask is for us to have faith, and to embrace Him completely.
If instead you know of someone in dire need for the impossible to happen, like Sarah - Abraham's wife , or the centurion's servant, the we should have faith on behalf of our friend that God's healing graces will still work. Have faith for your friend instead.
It is also important to remember that when asking for His graces of mercy, it will be done in His time and in His way, according to His plans. Not by our plans ( or instructions). Do not be dissapointed if the cripple doesnt walk immediately or if the cancer doesnt dissapear, or if depression conitnues on. Everything happens for a purpose and reason. At our level in our time , it is hard for us to see the will of God , but know that your prayers are heard and there is a greater plan at work. We just have to turst in him.
Dearest Divine Mercy of Jesus,
I pray for those who are suffering , physically, emotionally, from diseases and wounds of all forms and kind. Lord , i ask for your healing grace over all of them, to heal the scars, wounds and sicknesess that they carry, Grant them the faith and knowledge that your with them, suffering with them like how you suffered for us on the cross. Relieve them of their pain, and comfort them in this difficult and challenging time. Give the the grace of patience and endurance, to carry out your holy will.
Lord, i too ask for your healing graces , for the suffering and pain that i carry in my life through the crosses that i bear. May i have the strength to endure and the strength to change myself. Teach me dear Lord, to allow your your graces to work within me. Soften my stubborn ways, so that i too can change more and more to be like you.
Blessed Mother, please continue to intercede in my prayers. May i learn to emulate you in your faith, despite the impossible, to allow the will of God to work within me. Just like the immaculate conceptioon of Jesus, you allowed the impossible to happen, which bore us Jesus. Teach us to be like you, to be a vessel of Gods will so that His greater glory be done.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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