Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Ministry of St Peter and St Paul #wyd @madrid11_en

Today we celebrate the feast of St Peter and St Paul, the 2 great founding leaders of our Catholic church. The readings from today was somewhat interesting to note the differences of Gospel used , one on telling peter to feed and tend to His's sheep and the other giving the keys of heaven to Peter. Then we also have of Paul telling us how bad he was before his eyes was opened by God.

Together with the fact that we are all part of the Royal Priesthood, tells me the calling of our ministry in our lives today. Like Peter , we are called to pastoral care, one of caring, tending and feeding the sheep, spiritually as well as physically. Little do we know , we too like Peter are given the keys to heaven as well. Not in the form of the Office of the keys (commonly known as the Sacrament of confession - which is passed on from pope to pope, and from pope to bishop to priest) but by the virtue of being God's chosen people and as His temple of the holy spirit.

This further leads to St Paul, who was a great prosecuter of the church and hunted down christians in his time , only to become one of the greatest evangelizers of the Church, despite his past.

Put this together, and we have our simple mission, to bring the message of Jesus through our actions, thoughts and deeds. Little do we know, but we actually have a major impact on the various lives that crosses our own life. This is human nature, we live in a society and what we do have a ripple effect into society, through the people that we meet.

Hence we have a choice, do we bring the light of Christ into people's lives or do we choose to propogate our own personal agenda in society. As His royal priesthood, we have that calling in our daily lives to reach out to all (for every one faces some form of oppresion and desolation) , and hence through our actions, we bring the message of Christ to the world, like Paul. When we have successfully conveyed Jesus's message through our compassion, wisdom and love, and people know this because you are a Christian, then we too hold the keys to heaven. For through these actions and examples that we set as christians in our daily lives, it may bring someone back to seek the mercy of our Lord Jesus.

Furthermore, Peter and Paul shows us that we do not have to be high achievers or literally saints to achieve this. Remember , Peter was only a simple fisherman, and Paul, was this sinner who did not believe in Jesus. All we need is to have faith in Him, and He will do the rest through us. If we think deeper of Peter and Paul's life, it also tells us that we need not be perfect gentle people to bring the light of Christ to the world. How many times did Peter doubt and betrayed Jesus. In Pauls letters, he is often strong and chastising in his words.

Essentially , we do not need to be perfect , to be God's instruments on this earth, for He uses our imperfection and will make it perfect. Only thing is , we must allow Him to use us.

Dear Merciful God,

Like St Peter and St Paul, use me as your instrument messenger in this world. My own failings, doubts and sins makes me an imperfect instrument, unworthy of your great glory, yet i feel called to be your servant and only through you, can I be made perfect for your glory. Teach us go tend to your sheep, to spread your word, and to open the doors of heaven to all those we meet

Lord I pray for us your chosen people, your Royal Priesthood, especially those you have called to be your Priest and Religious, that we may be guided and used for your greater glory. Fill our imperfection, strengthen our resolve and fill us with your fire, so that we may bring your bburning light into this world

May the World Youth Day , bring your loving and merciful message far and wide across this world. May you use all of us at Madrid, as an example of your love for the world to experience.

Blessed Mother, as Jesus placed his disciples in your care at his crucifixion, watch over us, guide us and teach us the loving ways of your beloved Son.


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Monday, June 27, 2011

Jesus calms the storm

In todays gospel reading, Jesus's disciples were fearful of the storm that was rocking the boat. The called upon Jesus who first rebuke them for their lack of faith ,but subsequently He calmed the raging storm.

There are many storms in our life that we face each day, which often leads us to despair. We frequently forget that Jesus is with us despite anything that may haopen, and many times we get impatient and lose faith on whether He will do anything to save us from our troubles.

We forget that Jesus has promised to be with us on our journey in life once we have accepted Him. We forget that no matter how big the storm may be, like the disciples, the storm will not and can not harm the vessel that carries Jesus. We are this vessel that carries Jesus in our daily life, and the voices in our heads are like the disciples and the storm that hits us , well that doesnt need explaining.

As long as we carry Jesus with us, nothing can harm us - it may seem like it can, but honestly do you think He will let anything happen to the vessel that is carring him?

I particularly like the part where He was happily sleeping in the boat, and when awaken - he rebuked his disciples first. It gives me an image that he wasn't worried at all, chillingout on the boat, perhaps taking in a tan, cold drink in his hand, dozing off. Then these bunch of people started sccrambling up to him, nearly overthrowing him off the deck chair in fear. I too would be a bit grumpy if that happened to me.

When i think of that, i reflect that i've been in that situation. As a manager, I manage a team of people, and i've had my subordinates come up to me obviously worried about something. when i listen to their problems, i realize it is actually a needless worry. I then have to take the time to explain why they shouldn't worry, i can help to sort it out, and when the situatio has passed, i will then likely say - see what do you have to worry about.

So yes, i see both sides of the coin.

Dear Skipper of my ship,

I ask Lord that you safely guide me through the darkest storm, but more importantly may i have the faith to always trust in you. In the darkest night and the loneliest moments, let me know that you are still with me, navigating me through the storms in my life.

I know Lord, that in these moments in life, i will reach a point of losing my faith. Whisper to me your comforting presence, and grant me the peace in my heart to know that you are in charge, and not me.

Mary, Queen of the ocean, pray for me that i will always keep mmay faith in your beloved son, despite all problems. Teach me to keep my trust in God, like you did when you carried your Beloved Son in your womb. May i too have the sense of joy knowing that I have Jesus with me.


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Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Sprirtual Preparations for #WYD @madrid11_en

For this Madrid WYD 2011, i decided not to join any groups or parishes,but instead to attend it alone. Because of this decision, i am not part of any preparations, that are being undertaken by some parishes. Although ive been invited to join the Assumption Church's group in their preparations, i've not been able to due to conflicting schedules

I beleive that it is important to do some spiritual preparations for the WYD , otherwise it will just be another holiday. Due to our busy lives, it is important to undertake some form of spiritual preparations to open the heart, mind and soul to the softer promptings of the Holy Sprit.

So i decided that in preparation for WYD, starting , 60 days before I will do the Following :

1. To say a decade of the rosary daily
2. To read the daily readings used at Mass each day, and to reflect on it.
3. To share my reflections on the daily readings
4. To offer a prayer each day for different needs and people
5. To document my thoughts, reflection, peparations and etc onlie, to be shared with the pilgrims and those who aspire to attend, but are unable to do so.

As i get closer to WYD, i plan to add on to my spiritual preparations, including

1. Attending daily mass when possible
2. To fast - no breakfast and lunch
3. To abstain from meat everyday

If you are reading this, can i humbly ask for your prayers for me in my preparation and journey. To strengthen me in my resolve and to protect me from distractions

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“He took our infirmities, and he carried away our diseases.”

I am the Lord that Healeth thee.

That is the promise given to us by Jesus , and it is widely affirmed in the Gospel that Jesus heals us. Todays reading tells us that as we call upon God's healing power, we need to have faith. It also shows that no matter how impossible the circumstances maybe, like Sarah being unable to conceive, anything is possible through the will of God, amd with a little faith.

It is impotant to remember that the healing of Jesus is not only of the physical nature from diseases but His mission on earth was to heal us from our sins.He came to die for us on the cross, and through his painful death, He bought for us the key to salvation from our sins.

Many of us are healthy physically free from diseases, but i believe that all of us will still need the healing power of Jesus. All of us suffer from emotional and spiritual diseases, brought about by painful experiences in our lives and by the sins we commit. It is these diseases that only the divine mercy of Jesus can bring about through healing

However when we are in these level of distress , despite asking for healing, how many of us truly open our hearts for Jesus to do his work. Do we actually have the faith that God's healing power will work through us? Do we actually allow Jesus to move within us? And how many of , when asking for healing, actually want to take our own steps to change

It is like when you have been diagnose with cancer and the doctor tells us to stop smoking, avoid stress, and live a healthier lifestyle, we readily accept the advice and change our lifestyle. But in the case of emotional and spiritual Jesus, do we actually change our lifestyle so that healing can take place in our hearts. Do we open our spiritual ears to hear His advice?

Anything is possible through Jesus, and His mercy is abundantly overflowing. All he ask is for us to have faith, and to embrace Him completely.

If instead you know of someone in dire need for the impossible to happen, like Sarah - Abraham's wife , or the centurion's servant, the we should have faith on behalf of our friend that God's healing graces will still work. Have faith for your friend instead.

It is also important to remember that when asking for His graces of mercy, it will be done in His time and in His way, according to His plans. Not by our plans ( or instructions). Do not be dissapointed if the cripple doesnt walk immediately or if the cancer doesnt dissapear, or if depression conitnues on. Everything happens for a purpose and reason. At our level in our time , it is hard for us to see the will of God , but know that your prayers are heard and there is a greater plan at work. We just have to turst in him.

Dearest Divine Mercy of Jesus,

I pray for those who are suffering , physically, emotionally, from diseases and wounds of all forms and kind. Lord , i ask for your healing grace over all of them, to heal the scars, wounds and sicknesess that they carry, Grant them the faith and knowledge that your with them, suffering with them like how you suffered for us on the cross. Relieve them of their pain, and comfort them in this difficult and challenging time. Give the the grace of patience and endurance, to carry out your holy will.

Lord, i too ask for your healing graces , for the suffering and pain that i carry in my life through the crosses that i bear. May i have the strength to endure and the strength to change myself. Teach me dear Lord, to allow your your graces to work within me. Soften my stubborn ways, so that i too can change more and more to be like you.

Blessed Mother, please continue to intercede in my prayers. May i learn to emulate you in your faith, despite the impossible, to allow the will of God to work within me. Just like the immaculate conceptioon of Jesus, you allowed the impossible to happen, which bore us Jesus. Teach us to be like you, to be a vessel of Gods will so that His greater glory be done.

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Eucharistic Adoration at @madrid11_en #WYD


Over 50 churches throughout the city will open their doors for adoration

Madrid, June 22, 2011.- World Youth Day’s were begun with the desire to offer new generations the treasures of the faith with renewed enthusiasm: the beauty of the Christian message, the Eucharist, Confession... That’s why Eucharistic adoration will be one of the focal points at WYD.

There will be a Prayer Vigil for young people with Benedict XVI at Cuatro Vientos Air Base on August 20. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed in the Monstrance of Arfe, a masterpiece of Spanish gold with a 500-year history, known for its use in the world famous Corpus Christi procession through the streets of Toledo (Spain).

Part of the WYD programming includes acts of Eucharistic adoration. More than 50 churches in downtown Madrid will hold adoration accompanied by prayer. It will also be held in public places, such as the Parque del Retiro. There will be a tent set up by the Missionary Sisters of Mother Teresa, so that young people can come to adore Jesus exposed in the Monstrance from 10 am to 12 midnight.

Diversity of movements and languages

There are many movements and institutions of the Catholic Church that will organize moments for adoration: Schoenstatt, the Dominicans, the Marists, Regnum Christi, Focolare, Cursillos, the Piarists, the Order of St. John of God, and many more.

Other acts will have an international accent. The Knights of Columbus will offer a wide variety of activities for English-speaking participants at the “Palacio de los Deportes” (Sports Palace), which holds seating for 9,000 people.

In France, the Taizé Community will hold prayer meetings, as will the Discalced Carmelite Friars of Avignon and Paris.

Some of these acts of adoration will be combined with other events: music, concerts... The Chemin Neuf Community will have a brief time of prayer and then go to evangelize through choirs that will invite people to join them along the way, eventually meeting up at Plaza de Oriente.

Plaza de España will become a hub for spreading the Christian message. The “Anuncio” Festival with the Charismatic Renewal will be responsible for spiritual animation. This corner of Madrid will also have the relics of St. Therese of Lisieux on display for public veneration.

How it all began

During WYD in Rome in 2000, the then Pope John Paul II asked that the churches and chapels of Rome remain open with the Blessed Sacrament exposed.

That way, young people could find many times and places to internalize the experiences and emotions of WYD in front of the Eucharist. The result was surprising. To the amazement of many, there was also a continuous procession of young people seeking reconciliation with God in the Sacrament of Confession. John Paul II also proposed the use of the Coliseum for that same purpose.

*** More information will be available in the Guide to Cultural Programming that every pilgrim will find in their backpack.

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I will make you a light to all Nations - #wyd #madrid11

God created me , and gave me the gift of myself and my life. All of God's creation is perfect, and hence i too was created perfect for His plans for me. We were all created by God, with great plans laid out for us. When we were created, He made us perfectly for what His plans were for us. No more no less.

It is in realizing this, that i am made aware, despite any of the challenges, difficulties , temptation and doubts i face in my life, He has granted me anything and everything that I would need to meet this heads on. I may not be aware of the gifts i possess right now, or it may be something that i need to develop.

And if i go through difficulties and challenges that feels too much to bear, i need to remember of the refiners fire- gold needs to undergo the hotest of flame before it is purified.

Todays reading had this phrase, i will make you the light of all nations. It is the underlying message of every world youth day. That we as his creations are given great gifts to fulfill an even greater calling. It is in events like the world youth day, where we Catholics come together to be the light for the world to see. To be an open expression; not only of our faith, but of Gods great mercy.

The WYD will be the shining torch for all the nations to see, but it will be us pilgrims that will bring the flames back into our lives, to be the light of all nations. Many forces will try to dampen this light, but this light will always be lit, as it is not kept aflame by human means. It is kept burning by the Holy Spirit as long as we remain focus with God.

Dear loving and radiant Lord,

You granted us with the gifts worthy of a greater plan , for us to bring glory to your will.

Grant us your people, descendents of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the fire of your light and of your Holy Spirit , as we gather in Madrid this August. Empower us with your strength, wisdom and compassion, so that we may go forth to be the light of all Nations.

It is true that thr Light of Christ has come into this world, and i ask that we may be worthy to carry the Light of Christ in our every day lives, to bring your light into the darkest corners of this world .

May Mary, Queen of heaven be our guiding light and beacon as we carry your flames alight in our hearts back to our homes and family. Mary Protector of all nations, protect this delecate flame we carry for your Son.


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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Abused, Tortured and Tormented

I offer my decade of the rosary today for all the victims of abuse, torture and torment. The scourge of abuse is extremely rampant today, and in modern times it is even more shocking. Abuse takes many forms, from physical, sexual, mental, and emotional.

It is sad that although we live in a so called civilised society today, abuse in many forms happen everyday, and possibly right before our very eyes. Undeniably and unfortunately the Catholic Church is not spared from its involvement. And i will not begin to attempt to defend church in this posting.

My focus is on the very issue that happens today, and recognizing it in it's various forms, and the list is endless. I consider human trafficking, patronizing sexual workers, exploitation, unjust treatment of workers as forms of abuse as well, aside from the other conventional ones.

As a catholic, i see every human being as beautiful creation of God and each of them the temple of the Holy Spirit. Hence these acts are direct acts of descecration of the temple of God.

However knowing this is only half the battle, and the question is , what can i do about this? I acknowledge that i too am a victim of apathy, and turn an uncaring eye to the injustice that i read of in the media. As a catholic, i must be more compassionate to the plight of others, but i struggle to answer "what can i do for them?"

Todays reading was about Hagar the servant of Sarah, who is the wife of Abraham. As sarah was barren, she offered Hagar to Abraham so that Abraham would have a heir. When Hagar was pregnant circumstances resulted in Sarah abusing Hagar. Hagar ran away only to be asked by the Angels of the Lord to return and withstand the abuse.Hagars son is named Ishmael and is noted that Islam was founded through the descendents of Ishmael.

The essence of todays reading was about obedience to God , and His promise to those who obey him.

It also tells that obeying God's command may often come with difficult and unbearable torture, but it goes towards the bigger plan for his Greater glory - like the son of Hagar - Ishmael who's descendents will number many. Thus we have to endure all the challenges we face today, with the faith that God has greater plans for us. To trust in Him that the cross that he has given to us to carry is really for His greater plan, although we cannot see it. As difficult as it may be, we should trust in Him.

Almighty and merciful God,

I offer my prayers for all the victims of abuse, especially those committed at the hands of your priest. May the outpouring of your mercy and grace, strengthen and comfort them in their difficult times. Lord, you never place upon us yokes that are beyond us, and i ask that you to watch over all those who suffer from abuse. Deliver them from this evil they face every day.

Empower the social workers, authorities and all those who are out there to fight this scourge. Soften the heart of the perpetrators that they may repent from this evil acts, and seek your mercy.

Embolden us, your people lord, to stand up against this injusticr. Give me the courage to put a stop to any abuse in my presence and in my power. Grant me the wisdom and open my eyes lord to identify the acts

May Mary , Queen of Comforters protect these innocent victims, granting them comfort and healing as our heavenly mother.


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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Off to Avila after @madrid11_en #madrid11 #wyd

After the closing mass of wyd on sunday by B16, i am now making plans to further my journey to the little town of Avila. It is a short 1 hr 30 mins from madrid by bus or train.

I plan to spend 2 nights there and subsequently return to Madrid to catch my flight back to London and KL.

This town is home to St Theresa of Avila. I want to explore the life of St Theresa of Avila. A sickly nun who was very devoted in prayer. I wil, post more about her life and Her saint hood soon

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Wolves in Sheep Clothing @madrid11_en #madrid11

Do i bear fruits with the gifts that God has given me. In todays Gospel , Jesus warns of wolves in sheep clothing but also talks of trees that bears good fruit. This ties back to the promise of Abraham, where he kept his obedience to God and was promised descendents as many as the stars in heaven.

I must be aware of my actions, that they are always focused on Jesus, and only then will my gifts bear fruit. If i am distracted away from him and my actions stem from my own personal agenda,then i will be a wolf in sheep clothing

It also tells me that i too can discern the actions of people and their intentions, for if their intentions are pure and holy, it will bear the fruits that Jesus promises - basically the fruits of the Holy Spirit.if their actions lead to anger and bitterness, causes ill feelings and mistrust, these are warning signs that the actions are not of the Holy Spirit.

However I also must state that , that these people are not evil, for God's creation are never inherently evil, but it is the influence of others and of Satan that causes these actions. It is then my cross to learn to love these same people and see them as beautiful creation of God .

In my service in Choice, I've come across many people who believed they are doing God's work, but in their actions causes pain, mistrust, anger and bitterness among God's people. I do not know what their objectives are but i must be weary that i am not devoured by these wolves who are clothe like a sheep. however I must also learn to accept and love them for who they are.

So it is 2 fold. How i discern others actions and influence unto me, but more importantly, which one am I . Do i try more to be the good tree that bear fruits or am i the wolf in aheep clothing.

If i keep close to Jesus, focus on him in my vocation and my life, then his covenant to me like to Abraham is that my reward will be great.

Dear loving and almighty God,

I pray for Your loving guidance that i will always be focused on your beloved Son, to learn from Him and to bear fruit from the many gifts that you have given me. May my heart always be open to the soft prompting of the Holy Spirit, so that I will alwyas be focused on my beloved saviour.

Grant me the wisdom, not only to discern the actions of others but more importantly to discern my own actions so that they are in accordance to your Holy will.

May the Queen of Heaven be my guiding light, so that i may be like her-never taking her eyes off you , even during your painful crucifixion.


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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Teach me to always appreciate Your gifts @madrid11_en #madrid11

Today i pray that i will constantly learn to appreciate the many gifts that i receive from Him. In our daily busy lives it is very easy to forget the many graces and blessings that He bestows on us.

From the gift of myself and my life, i count the blessings He has given to me, my loving family and friends, my career, my skills and abilities, the sunshine and the moonlight , the birds inn the sky. Not forgettting the ultimate gift of Jesus on the cross for my sins.

Despite having paid the ultimate sacrifice for me, He continues to shower his gifts, blessing and graces upon me. always letting me know that He loves me unconditionally.

As i learn to appreciate these gifts, i too must ask , what do i give back in return to Him. My life is a gift from Him, and what I do of it is my gift back to Him.

Dearest Compasionnate and loving God,

I thank you for the many graces you have granted upon me. Open my eyes so that i can always see your beatiful hand in my life. soften my heart so that i will always give you praise and glory for the many blessings i receive.

Teach me and use me as a vessel of your gifts, that i may have the humilty to touch the hearts and lives of people that i meet and that you've sent across my path. Allow me to use my gifts for your greater glory.

Grant me the obedience and humilty like your Blessed Mother, let me echo her words "Thy will not mine be done". May my journey to Madrid bring a conversion of my heart mind and soul according to your will.

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Nearly 20,000 priests expected to attend #wyd @madrid11_en #madrid11

Madrid, Spain, Jun 20, 2011 / 02:01 pm (CNA).- Nearly 20,000 priests are expected to accompany the young people attending World Youth Day 2011 in August, announced Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco of Madrid, Spain.

“To accompany young people in this great celebration with the Word and with the Eucharist and with devoted pastoral care is the great challenge and opportunity that (World Youth Day) gives us for the present and the future of the Church,” he stated.

Cardinal Rouco said numerous bishops and a “massive” number of priests from around the world are expected to attend the youth event taking place August 16-21 in Madrid. “The number of priests registered has surpassed 12,000 and we expect that number to reach 15,000-20,000,” he said during a Mass for the feast of Jesus Christ the Eternal High Priest, celebrated in Spain on June 15.

Cardinal Rouco Varela recalled the long logistical and spiritual preparation for World Youth Day 2011, centered upon “the Cross of Christ, the Cross of the World Youth Days, and the Icon of the Virgin Mary at its side.”

“The service of priestly ministry during the preparation has been essential, and during the event it will be even more so,” he added.

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English speaking Pilgrims have a home in #Madrid11

Madrid June 20 -It has often been said that “God speaks your own language.” That is why English speaking pilgrims will have their own haven at Madrid's Palacio de Deportes. The “Love and Life: a home for English-Speaking pilgrims” is hosted by The Knights of Columbus, a U.S. based, Catholic, fraternal organization and the Sisters of Life.

The Palacio de Deportes, located in downtown Madrid about a 15 minute walk from Plaza Colón, will be open to pilgrims August 16 to 19. The site will offer everything an English speaking pilgrim might want – witness talks, roudtable sessions, space for adoration, concerts - without having to venture into sweltering heat. In addition, three of the WYD English language catechesis sessions will be held at the Palacio de Deportes.

Among the lineup of musicians who will perform for pilgrims are L'Angelus, a group of four siblings who perform traditional and Christian music in Louisiana's Cajun fiddle, swamp-pop style. Dana Scallon, best known as the voice of the World Youth Day Hymn from Denver will also take part in activities at the Love and Life. Celtic rock group Scythian will hold a concert at the pavillion and Alexander Acha will take part in the Marian Festival scheduled for Aug 18.

In a statement the Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson said “World Youth Day is not only an event, it’s an experience – an unforgettable week. We hope that our ‘Love and Life’ site will serve as a grace-filled place for young pilgrims to join friends and to participate in a spectacular outpouring of faith.”

“Love and Life” is co-sponsored by Salt + Light Television of Canada, The Apostleship of Prayer, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, World Youth Alliance, the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for the study of Marriage and the Family and Holy Cross Family Ministries which is running the “Firm in the Faith with Mary” rosary campaign. The goal of the campaign is to encourage people to pray a rosary for WYD every Saturday.

Holy Cross Family Ministries will also provide one of two adoration chapels and prayer spaces. The Rosary Adoration Chapel will be a tent like structure with walls made of a special material that can be used as a screen. The chapel will be open the entire time the Love and Life pavillion is open so pilgrims can take time for silent adoration or to pray the rosary. A special video featuring the Luminous Mysteries has been created especially to be projected onto the walls of the chapel. The video uses images that slowly change in order to illustrate the mysteries without distracting from the prayer. Throughout the day members of the HCFM team and other invited guests will give group meditations or lectio divina in the chapel. The space around the chapel will host an exhibit of sacred, featuring the works of Brazilian artist Claudio Pastro.

The Palacio de Deportes can host up to 15,000 pilgrims. Access to the Palacio is included with the WYD pilgrim's pass.

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Then the Lord said to Abram: “Depart from your land, and from your kindred, and from your father’s house, and come into the land that I will show you.

Today's reading reflects on the calling of Abraham, and his obedience to the calling. It brings to my mind the calling to me for my journey thsi year to Madrid. I get the message to affirm my decision that i've taken in making this journey to Madrid.

Like Abraham, i do not know what He has planned for me. All I can do is pack my bags and go. Trusting in Gods wisdom, that His plans for me are to prosper me and never to harm me.

The gospel today however instead talks about judgement and never to judge anyone. How can i see the splinter in my brothers eye , and not notice the plank in mind.

Together i pray for the humilty to see the error of my ways, and to show mercy to all. My heart tells me that before i can go on this journey, i need to know the error of my ways, and not to judge others. I need to discern my own failings.

Dear Lord,

I offer up my prayers for your people today. We have been called by You, and i pray that you will always keep us close to your Sacred Heart.

As your people depart from their lands to WYD , Lord I pray for your guidance and protection throughtout our journey.

May Your Blessed Mother, Queen of travellers be our guiding light.


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Sunday, June 19, 2011

“If I have found grace in your sight, O Lord, I beg you to walk with us.

Today i offer my decade of the rosary for all who struggle in their faith. All of us, struggle with our faith and our journey with Jesus. It is our own cross to bear, and i pray for that in this journey of ours , we will never lose sight of our our beloved Master

With the intercession of our Holy Mother, despite our daily struggles with temptation, weakneses, and sin, we will always recive graces from Jesus.

Especially for all of us making our way to Madrid, I beg the Lord to walk with us.

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Did you know:The World Youth Day Cross

Source :

It is known as the "Holy Year Cross", the "Jubilee Cross", the "WYD Cross", the "Pilgrim Cross"; many call it the "Young People´s Cross" because it has been given to young people to take across the world, to all places at all times . This is its history:

It was the year 1984, the Holy Year of the Redemption, when Pope John Paul II decided that a cross, symbol of the faith, had to be near the main altar of Saint Peter´s Basilica, where everyone could see it. So a great wooden cross was installed, 3.8 meters high, exactly as he wished.

At the end of the Holy Year, after closing the Holy Door, the Pope handed this cross to the young people of the world, represented by youngsters from the Saint Lawrence International Youth Center in Rome. His words on that occasion were: "Dear young people, on closing the Holy Year, I entrust to you the sign of this Jubilee Year: the Cross of Christ! Take it around the world as sign of the love of the Lord Jesus for humanity and proclaim to all that only in Christ dead and risen is there salvation and redemption" (Rome, April 22, 1984).

The young people made their own the Holy Father´s wish. They took the Cross to the Saint Lawrence Center, which became its permanent home during the periods it was not on pilgrimage in the world.

In 2003, at the end of Palm Sunday Mass, John Paul II gave young people a copy of the icon Maria Salus Populi Romani: "To the delegation that has come from Germany I also give today the icon of Mary. Henceforth, together with the Cross, this icon will accompany World Youth Days. It will be the sign of the maternal presence of Mary close young people, called -- as the Apostle Saint John -to receive her in their life" (Angelus, 18th World Youth Day, April 13, 2003). The original version of the icon is kept in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome.

There are many testimonies of persons who have been profoundly touched by their encounter with the Cross: in recent years, these testimonies have been even more numerous, or perhaps they have had a wider diffusion through the Internet. These testimonies can be found in the Saint Lawrence International Youth Center, usual home of the Cross, but also in magazines and publications dedicated to WYDs. Some wonder how two wooden pieces can have such an effect on a person´s life; yet, wherever the Cross goes, people ask that it might return. Seen on this Cross is the presence of the love of God. Through this Cross, many young people are able to understand better the Resurrection and some find the courage to make decisions in regard to their life.


1984.- On the occasion of the Holy Year of the Redemption, Pope John Paul II decided to place a cross about four meters from the main altar of Saint Peter´s Basilica. At the end of the Holy Year, he gave it to the young people of the world, with these words: "Take it around the world as sign of the love of the Lord Jesus".

1985.- On hearing the news of the first journeys of the Cross, the Pope requested that it be taken to Prague, then still behind the Iron Curtain. Being observed that year was the United Nations International Year of Youth, and on Palm Sunday 300,000 young people took part in the meeting with the Pope in Saint Peter´s. Announced in December was the institution of World Youth Days every Palm Sunday.

1987.- The first WYD outside Rome was held in Buenos Aires. The Cross went to America for the first time.

1989.- The Cross visited Spain for the first time, for WYD in Santiago de Compostela; and to Asia.

1992.- The Cross was entrusted for the first time to the young people of the diocese which would be the venue of the next WYD (Denver, Colorado, USA); it also visited Australia for the first time.

2002.- Pausing on its pilgrimage through Canada, the young people´s Cross visited Ground Zero in New York. It was taken from Montreal to Toronto on foot, in a journey that lasted 43 days.

2003.- At the end of the Palm Sunday Mass, in which Canadian young people handed the Cross to the Germans for Cologne´s WYD, the Pope also gave them a copy of the icon of Mary, Salus Populi Romani, and since then the Cross and Icon journey together.

2006-2007.- Before arriving in Australia for WYD 2008, the Cross and Icon went to the five continents.

2008-2010.- The Cross has gone to different places such as Aquila, Italy, after the earthquake that devastated the Abruzzi Region. During the celebration in Saint Peter´s Square on Palm Sunday, 2009, Benedict XVI handed the WYD Cross and Icon to young people of Madrid, who went to Rome for the occasion.

At present, the WYD Cross and Icon are on pilgrimage in the archdiocese of Madrid; subsequently they will go to other Spanish dioceses.

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Saturday, June 18, 2011

My Prayer for the pigrims

Todays gospel reading was from Matthew 6:24-34. Where Jesus ask us why do we worry about tomorrow. For God in His greatness and goodness takes care of all His creation, will He not take care of His most beloved creation-You and me ?

As i ponder my trip to Spain, my mum was worried that i was planning on going alone instead of following a group. I too was worried about msking this pilgrimage alone. It is my first wyd and also my first pilgrimage, and i rarely attend retreats, yet I took a friends advice to undertake this journey alone. While it excites me, it also worries me. Spain is not exactly a very safe country, having been there before.

Yet todays passage tells me, why bother worrying- that i have enough troubles today without worrying about tomorrow. I guess its human nature to worry. So i will leave it to the almighty my journeny and i trust my safety to my Blessed Mother

So i offer this decade of the rosary today for the pilgrims attend WYD who are worried about their trip. The planning, the finances and etc. I pray for Gods loving guidance and confidence for all of us making this journey for Him and with Him.

Please pray for me.

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Madrid WYD 2011 Logo

The Logo of the the Madrid World Youth Day 2011

The WYD organizing committee today unveiled the official logo for the twenty-sixth World Youth Day.

The cross, of course, emphasizes the centrality and supremacy of Jesus in our lives, in the Church, and in the World Youth Day celebrations.

The crown represents the crown of our La Virgen de la Almudena, the female patron saint of Madrid (San Isidro [St.Isadore] is the male patron saint). According to legend, when the Moors controlled Spain, the Catholics hid this statue of Our Lady within a "fold of a wall" ("almudaina" in Arabic) or in a nearby storage for grain ("almudit"). When Alphonse VI reconquered Madrid, the statue was miraculously discovered, and it is now venerated in Madrid's Cathedral. Supposedly, we are Mary's crown, for the youth of the world will gather with our Holy Father to stand with Mary at the foot of the Cross.

The red M that forms the left half the of the crown is for "Madrid" and "Maria".

According to the designer, Jose Gil-Nogués, "The [logo] has a spontaneous and strong stroke, as the youth of the twenty-first century. It's close, friendly, open, cheerful, casual and positive...The use of a palette of warm colors (red, orange and yellow) transmits an unmistakable warmth and heat, identity of a city like Madrid, Spain as a country. These colors are also a reflection of the warmth of God, 'Trinity of Love.'"
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Friday, June 17, 2011

Spiritual Preparation for World Youth Day - Useful Tips

Some very practical and useful tips for the spiritual journey to Madrid. Taken from

Spiritual Preparation
Importance Spiritual preparation is the most important thing you can do to make your pilgrimage the best experience. God offers extra graces to pilgrims because they are making the effort to grow closer to Him. Grace abounds for those who ask, and Grace has a greater effect on those who prepare their souls. Your life can be transformed on this pilgrimage. Ask yourself these questions...

Do I want to know God better?
Do I want my life transformed?
How can this happen to me?
Does God really care about my life?

Youth Ministers We recommend that youth ministers develop a spiritual prep routine for their group. We have compiled a list of ideas to choose from, but do not feel limited by what we have posted. You might want to propose the ideas to the group for them to choose from as they prepare for WYD. One primary intention of the prayer should be that each pilgrim will be open to the Grace of God and His will for their life.

Ideas for Preparing Spiritually for World Youth Day:

Say the daily prayers of the Magnificat prayer book
One decade of the rosary
Wear the brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
The Apostles Creed, seven Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glory Be prayers
One Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Daily Spiritual Communion
Five minutes of New Testament reading followed by five minutes of reflection
Say a prayer of thanksgiving in gratitude for being able to go to WYD
Read about the saint of the day and ask that saint to pray for you
Angelus at noon
Act of Contrition every night

One full rosary
One extra Mass (in addition to Sunday)
One holy hour in front of the tabernacle
Keep a journal about your preparation and open your heart to God about your desire to know Him better

Meet with your pilgrimage group at the parish or diocese for prayer and friendship
Serve at a soup kitchen for an evening
Monthly confession to prepare your soul to receive the Graces God wants you to have
Pray a novena for nine months (once a month) before you go (it can also be for nine weeks or nine days or even nine hours)
Read and reflect on a homily/speech from one of the past World Youth Days

Ask someone to be your prayer warrior... one who will pray for you before and during your pilgrimage

Sincerely ask God to reveal your mission in life to you on this pilgrimage and don't forget to spend time listening to Him when you are there

Are you confirmed? If not, find out how to get confirmed

Offer some of your prayers for the bishop, priests, and religious of your parish and diocese and let them know you are praying for them

Discover a new favorite prayer from the great treasury that is our Catholic faith

Discover why devotion to Mary, our Blessed Mother, is so powerful and pleasing to God

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WYD Flight Travel Plans

Ok. Flights arebooked and here is my flying itenerary

12-Aug-2011 KUL - LHR
15-Aug-2011 LHR - MAD
23-Aug-2011 MAD - LHR
23-Aug-2011 LHR - KUL,
24-Aug -2011 KUL (Arriving 1525)

I am planning a weekend stay in London with my friends, do some shopping. Then I will take a British Airways to Madrid. My return is also via BA and will be a through check in for my luggage all the way back to KL

I decided agaisnt using EasyJet or Ryan air for the internal LON - MAD flights as the hassle of changing airports was really not woth the savings of GBP 60

Now at least the end of my journey, i do not have to worry about my luggage and just check it through from madrid to KL. If i feel like it, i can still go to london during my transit , or chill out at the Malaysia Airlines Golden Lounge

I must remember to redeem my Enrich points to get access to the Golden lounge. Then i can relax and have a shower before flying back to kuala lumpur.

Change of plans

Today just got confirmation that a friend of mine that was supoose to travel with me to wyd decided not to go due to work commitments. Kinda dissapointing for me, and i have to rework some plans. Initially I was suppose to share a room with him during the weekend in Madrid, so now im stuck with finding my own place to stay

One plan is to travel from madrid to a nearby city from sunday till tuesday to do some sight seeing after WYD is officially over. It is hard for me to change my travel plans considering that i've purchased my LON - MAD flights already

Time to relook at plans. Although i am still hoping he could come

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

T-60 days to Madrid WYD

There is 60 more days to the start of the wyd in madrid. There is alot of anticipation building up and the organizers of wyd in madrid is actively building the excitement. The are currently 300k registered pilgrims , with many more expected. For this wyd , organizerd are expecting about 1 million pilgrim.

Local groups and parishes are now busy with the spiritual preparations of their own contingent. I wish that our Bishop in Kuala Lumpur would give the wyd more support beyond calling it an excuse for a party

Well drop by the official website for more information on what the wyd is all about

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My first wyd blog

My first world youth day blog to record my journey and pilgrimage to one of the largest gathring of catholics around the world.

My tickets are purchased and preparations have been made. I guess i am all ready to go.

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Location:Kuala Lumpur